Robert Burns – Song Willie Chalmers
Robert Burns Song Willie Chalmers Mr. Chalmers, a gentleman in Ayrshire, a particular friend of mine, askedme to write a poetic epistle to a young lady, his Dulcinea. I had seen her,but was scarcely acquainted with her, and wrote as follows:— Wi’ braw new branks in mickle pride, And eke a braw new brechan, My […]
Robert Burns – Song. Anna, Thy Charms
Robert Burns Song. Anna, Thy Charms Anna, thy charms my bosom fire, And waste my soul with care; But ah! how bootless to admire, When fated to despair! Yet in thy presence, lovely Fair, To hope may be forgiven; For sure ’twere impious to despair So much in sight of heaven.
Robert Burns – Song. O, Were I On Parnassus Hill
Robert Burns Song. O, Were I On Parnassus Hill Tune— My love is lost to me. O, were I on Parnassus hill, Or had o’ Helicon my fill, That I might catch poetic skill, To sing how dear I love thee! But Nith maun be my Muse’s well, My Muse maun be thy bonie sel’, […]
Robert Burns – Canst Thou Leave Me Thus, My Katie Song
Canst Thou Leave Me Thus, My Katie Song Tune— Roy’s Wife. Chorus—Canst thou leave me thus, my Katie? Canst thou leave me thus, my Katie? Well thou know’st my aching heart, And canst thou leave me thus, for pity? Is this thy plighted, fond regard, Thus cruelly to part, my Katie? Is this thy faithful […]
Robert Burns – Of A’ The Airts The Wind Can Blaw Song
Of A’ The Airts The Wind Can Blaw Song Robert Burns Tune— Miss Admiral Gordon’s Strathspey. Of a’ the airts the wind can blaw, I dearly like the west, For there the bonie lassie lives, The lassie I lo’e best: [Footnote 1: Written during a separation from Mrs. Burns in their honeymoon. Burns was preparing […]
Robert Burns – Ballads on Mr. Heron’s Election, 1795 Song
Ballads on Mr. Heron’s Election, 1795 Song Ballad First Whom will you send to London town, To Parliament and a’ that? Or wha in a’ the country round The best deserves to fa’ that? For a’ that, and a’ that, Thro’ Galloway and a’ that, Where is the Laird or belted Knight The best deserves […]
Robert Burns – Song A Bottle And Friend
Song A Bottle And Friend There’s nane that’s blest of human kind, But the cheerful and the gay, man, Fal, la, la, &c. Here’s a bottle and an honest friend! What wad ye wish for mair, man? Wha kens, before his life may end, What his share may be o’ care, man? Then catch the […]
Robert Burns – A Lass Wi’ A Tocher Song
A Lass Wi’ A Tocher Song Tune— Ballinamona Ora. Awa’ wi’ your witchcraft o’ Beauty’s alarms, The slender bit Beauty you grasp in your arms, O, gie me the lass that has acres o’ charms, O, gie me the lass wi’ the weel-stockit farms. Chorus—Then hey, for a lass wi’ a tocher, Then hey, for […]
Robert Burns – Song Composed In August
Robert Burns Song Composed In August Tune— I had a horse, I had nae mair. Now westlin winds and slaught’ring guns Bring Autumn’s pleasant weather; The moorcock springs on whirring wings Amang the blooming heather: Now waving grain, wide o’er the plain, Delights the weary farmer; And the moon shines bright, when I rove at […]
Robert Burns – On The Seas And Far Away Song
On The Seas And Far Away Song Tune— O’er the hills and far away. How can my poor heart be glad, When absent from my sailor lad; How can I the thought forego— He’s on the seas to meet the foe? Let me wander, let me rove, Still my heart is with my love; Nightly […]